Road users have been capturing images and video of the massive abnormal load travelling through Suffolk today. Did you see it?

Ipswich Star: The abnormal load travelling through Suffolk. Picture: LUCY COLLETTThe abnormal load travelling through Suffolk. Picture: LUCY COLLETT (Image: Lucy Collett)

The huge 60metre-long electrical transformer is being transported from Ipswich to Newmarket, and crowds turned out to see it make its way through Ipswich.

Ipswich Star: The abnormal load on its way through Ipswich today Picture: ABI SHAWThe abnormal load on its way through Ipswich today Picture: ABI SHAW (Image: Abi Shaw)

Suffolk Highways and Norfolk & Suffolk Roads and Armed Policing Team have been organising the navigation of the load, transported by specialist transport company Allelys Group.

Sue Ling posted on Facebook: "We have just seen this. It's massive. Rolling road block, westbound A14 queues back to Nacton."

The Orwell Bridge was closed for a time to allow the load through, with police implementing a road block for a time after 10am.

During the delay, Paula Gooch posted on Facebook: "Orwell Bridge still backed up. Stuck in it now, crawling along slowly."

Highways EAST confirmed there were long delays on the approach to the A14 roadworks at Newmarket, with 45-minute delays spanning four miles of the eastbound carriageway and 25-minute delays on the westbound carriageway spanning three miles.

They said in a tweet: "We apologise for the delays but the closures are essential to remove the central reservation barrier so an abnormal load can move through the area."

But Twitter user Mark Berry commented: "Removal of central barrier to allow 'wide load' exit from A14 - Might try doing this overnight next time."

And another Twitter user, David, said: "Nightmare traffic jams on A14 today. Why could the outsize load not be moved at night!"

Read more - Abnormal load travelling between Ipswich and Newmarket