SWIMMERS from Deben received a two-day clinic with GB Olympic coach Bill Furniss over the weekend thanks to a grant from the Suffolk ACRE Local Network Fund.

SWIMMERS from Deben received a two-day clinic with GB Olympic coach Bill Furniss over the weekend thanks to a grant from the Suffolk ACRE Local Network Fund.

The clinics took place at Ipswich High School, with around 60 of Deben's squad taking part. Swimmers from Stowmarket and West Suffolk were also invited to join in. Many of the coaches and teachers from the clubs were also invited to assist and observe the sessions.

International swimmer Stephanie Hill was also present, demonstrating and assisting over the two days.

The swimmers were split into two groups on each day, with one group doing a swim session, while the other had land training and talks before they swapped over. The first group in the pool began with front crawl starts and turns, learning about streamlining off the wall and the correct way to approach the turn. After perfecting their turns, the pupils then went on to practise diving, being shown different positions to use on the blocks and how to 'fall' when diving.

The first land training session concentrated on very swim specific exercises, using a circuit of different exercise stations. The second session was all about relaxation and visualisation.

In the afternoon, pupils were back in the pool for breaststroke and butterfly turns, while the session finished with backstroke starts.

After an out of pool session on stretches the day ended with everyone coming together for a round-up on what had been learnt.