IT is not yet clear how long Suffolk County Council will have to wait for a new chief executive to take up the position once Mike More officially leaves on April 6.

IT is not yet clear how long Suffolk County Council will have to wait for a new chief executive to take up the position once Mike More officially leaves on April 6.

Mrs Hill is yet to hand her notice in at Bedfordshire County Council as her appointment is still subject to a vote at today's council meeting.

A spokesman for Bedfordshire County Council said: “Andrea Hill's notice period is subject to negotiation, but these issues will all be resolved in the next few weeks.”

During the period between Mr More's departure and the arrival of a new chief executive, the authority will be led on a “rota basis”, a council spokeswoman said.

This will entail the head of directorates assuming the lead role on a weekly basis, as is current practice while Mr More is unavailable.

Geoff Dobson, head of strategic finance at the council, will take up the statutory role of head of paid service in the absence of a chief executive.