A new BMX track for Ipswich which aims to be the envy of riders across the country has been unveiled after a major revamp.

Ipswich BMX Club's former track at Landseer Park had become worn and tired beyond repair after 41 years of use.

So the club has worked hard to raise £300,000 over the past two years to completely revamp the site.

Ipswich Star: An artist's impression of how the new BMX track will lookAn artist's impression of how the new BMX track will look (Image: Clark & Kent/Ipswich BMX Club)

Ipswich Borough Council, which also supported the project with a £40,000 grant, approved the plans earlier this year.

With building work completed over the summer, the circuit will finally be unveiled to the public from noon on Saturday, September 11.

Ipswich BMX Club secretary Tracey Reeve said the facilities would not only serve the BMX community but be an asset to Ipswich.

"It's taken us into the 21st century in terms of what we can provide and offer," she said.

Ipswich Star: Riders in action on the track after it openedRiders in action on the track after it opened (Image: Jessica Coppins)

"It's a track that suits all types of riders - whether it's riders who like to go fast, or whether they like to take their time.

"It's bringing us new members, which is what a community track is all about."

The quality of the facilities now means the track can host national championship events.

"That's going to bring more people to Ipswich and they're going to stay over and make use of facilities in the area whilst they're here," Ms Reeve said.

Ipswich Star: Riders at the opening of the new-look BMX track in IpswichRiders at the opening of the new-look BMX track in Ipswich (Image: Jessica Coppins)

The track has been used by club riders over recent weeks to help them prepare for the British Championships.

Ms Reeve said Ipswich competitors have struggled to prepare for similar events in the past, because the club's track has not been up to the standards of other circuits.

She added that Saturday's grand opening would "showcase the potential of the track", with several races for riders to take part in.

Ipswich BMX Club is also fundraising to build a safety fence around the new track, to stop children and dogs running on the circuit during practice sessions and races, which could potentially put people in danger.