A man who was caught with crack cocaine and heroin in a garden shed and a 21-year-old who carried out a machete attack are among those jailed in Suffolk this week. 

Ipswich Star: Jordan Wilson has been jailedJordan Wilson has been jailed (Image: Suffolk police)

Jordan Wilson 

Jordan Wilson was jailed for two years at Ipswich Crown Court after he hit his former and made threats to kill her. 

Wilson, 26 and of Buregate Road in Felixstowe, left the woman with two broken fingers, a black eye and bruising following the incident.

Following a row the night before, the woman awoke to find him standing over her.

After she tried to pick up her phone, Wilson pushed her face first into the bed and hit her with her phone. 

He then grabbed a pillow and put it over her face, telling her he would kill her if she screamed. 

As well as being jailed, he was banned from contacting the victim for four years. 

Ipswich Star: Luke Eggleston has been jailed for 21 monthsLuke Eggleston has been jailed for 21 months (Image: Suffolk police)

Luke Eggleston 

Luke Eggleston has been sentenced to nearly two years behind bars after injuring a man with a machete. 

The 21-year-old Sudbury man caused wounds to the victims wrists and back, Ipswich Crown Court heard. 

Eggleston, of Roman Lane, had become aggressive towards the victim and his girlfriend after they were visiting his flat. 

He produced a machete from his jacket and swung it at the victim while walking towards him.

Eggleston was jailed for a total of 21 months.

Ipswich Star: Nicholas Balderstone has been jailedNicholas Balderstone has been jailed (Image: Suffolk police)

Nicholas Balderstone 

Nicholas Balderstone was jailed for 12 months after police saw him leaving a garden shed with a bag containing crack cocaine and heroin. 

Balderstone, 32 and of no fixed address, was seen coming out of the garden shed in Bramford Lane. 

He was found in possession of 190 wraps of crack cocaine and heroin.

Balderstone admitted to possessing heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply, being concerned in the supply of cannabis and possession of cannabis.

Ipswich Star: Stefan Jordan has been jailedStefan Jordan has been jailed (Image: Suffolk police)

Stefan Jordan 

Stefan Jordan has been jailed for 38 months after he tried to evade police and was caught with drugs in Ipswich town centre. 

Jordan, of Mortimer Road, Kempston, was in a car alongside co-defendant, Nicholas Rimmer, 48 and of Hertfordshire, when it was stopped in Butter Market. 

Jordan, 24, tried to evade police but was caught a short distance away from 15 discarded wraps of cocaine. 

Rimmer admitted to police they were supplying drugs in the town.

Jordan admitted possessing cocaine with intent to supply in December 2022 and assaulting a man on a train in Kent in 2020. 

The 24-year-old was jailed for 38 months, while Rimmer was handed a two-year prison sentence, suspended for two years.

Rimmer was also given a 30-day rehabilitation activity requirement and ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work.