An appeal has been lodged after plans for a bungalow on a lane to the north-east of Ipswich were rejected by the council over concerns it would harm the character of the area.

Mr Wellfare of Humber Doucy Lane applied to build a detached bungalow along with a parking area, to be accessed by a new private driveway on the lane, which is on the outskirts of Ipswich.

There was a previously refused proposal for two homes on this land in March 2022.

The new application reduced the number of homes to one converted outbuilding in the form of a bungalow with three bedrooms and four parking spaces.

Ipswich Borough Council rejected the plans in November last year over concerns of trees and the character of the area, and an appeal has now been lodged, validated on Tuesday, April 9. 

The council argued that there were existing trees on the site and the plans would clear these trees, and that the new home would impact the canopy and roots of a neighbour's tree that overhangs the site.

However, the appeal documents stated that new trees would be planted and other areas that may involve wildflower planting, which would provide "significant biodiversity gains".

The council noted that the bungalow would be visible through gaps in hedges along Humber Doucy Lane, and would be "an urban form" that would "amount to material harm".

The council's decision notice said the design would be "out of keeping and inappropriate in terms of the areas special character and distinctiveness as it would result in a harmful, piecemeal encroachment on the town's rural edge".

However, the appeal document argues that the house would not be seen from many different views, and the development would "sit comfortably" in its location.

The council also found the bungalow and windows would be noticeable and small in comparison with neighbouring homes, which would "lead to a sense of enclosure", but the appeal argued that the single storey home would not affect amenity space.

A decision is expected on the appeal in due course.