Plans are being made for a new energy storage box next to an Ipswich theatre.

AMP Clean Energy has applied to the borough council to install a 200kW energy storage system, known as a "battery box" at Ipswich Records Office.

The site is a currently empty overgrown verge area, in the car park of the Sir John Mills Theatre and records office, next to an existing electrical substation.

The battery boxes are being installed across the UK for a low carbon de-centralised source of electricity, according to application documents

The micro energy storage facilities are roughly the size of two car parking spaces, which import electricity from the electricity network when demand is low or when there are high levels of renewable energy available.

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They then export electricity back to the grid during periods of high demand, according to the company.

If approved, the development in Gatacre Road would involve installing a concrete plinth foundation, the battery units, and a new fence to surround the equipment.

The application was received by Ipswich Borough Council on May 14.