A local artist from Debenham hopes to help people "feel seen and heard" with the release of her latest book.

Lily Hammond, 24, launched volume 2 of her inspirational women of colour book series, Activists, at Dial Lane Books in Ipswich at the weekend.

"It was a really lovely day", she said.

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"It was very busy and a lot of people came to support me."

Activists is the second volume of Lily's colouring book series dedicated to inspirational women of colour.

Her first, which was released last year, sold out twice.

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"I did the first book because a lot of people admired my illustrations of women of colour but they didn't know who they were.

"So I listed all the names of the women in the hope that people could take it away and educate themselves in their own time.

"The series is about mindfulness and wellbeing.

"But it's also about representation and helping people feel seen and heard and to be a part of important conversations."

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Lily highlighted the importance of giving everyone a voice and spreading awareness of the work her selected activists have done.

"A lot of people don't know about these women as it's not mainstream education or common knowledge.

"I think it's so important for everybody to know the work these women have done and do.

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"Some rural parts of Suffolk are also quite monocultural so for young people to see themselves represented in a book is quite a beautiful thing."

Looking ahead, Lily hopes to continue work on her books, artwork and town murals.

"People of all ages can enjoy them so I'm really keen to keep pursuing them.

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"I'd like to give a special mention to the Aspire Black Suffolk for coming along on Saturday and to Andrew Marsh for letting me hold the event at Dial Lane Books.

"Everyone has been so receptive and I'm so grateful for all the support I've had."

Lily's books are available online, on her Etsy and at Dial Lane Books.