Plans for 12 homes in Copdock have been rejected because the proposals would cause an "unacceptable precedent for urban sprawl" in the countryside.

The project was set to be built on land to the rear of Brooke House, Old London Road.

The planning statement for the scheme, prepared by Wilkinson Planning, said the proposal was "a wholly deliverable prospect, making effective use of land, without undue harms".

However, the planning officer's report for the project said: "This development of an additional 12 dwellings is considered to cause a cumulative impact on the area and set an unacceptable precedent for urban sprawl in the countryside."

The report added that the scheme was "inappropriate" in terms of "sustainability, access to services and amenities, as well as in terms of highway safety."

Councillor David Busby said: "This is not a site that has been in any of our plans and is designated as being in the countryside as it is outside of the settlement boundary.

"There are particular issues with the access being unsuitable for a high-speed road, especially the visibility splays.

"In addition, if this application had been approved it would have made it difficult to defend against further applications along the whole length of the Old London Road.

"Copdock has had a number of approved developments with more to come so the question of ‘need’ also comes into play.

"We can’t keep overloading villages around Ipswich with more and more developments – the infrastructure (transport, education and health) is unable to keep pace with the level of growth."

Wilkinson Planning, for the developers, said the housing project would have brought economic benefits for local trade before, during and after construction.

The company said: "Furthermore, there will be a positive benefit through support of local amenities, facilities and services available from future owner/occupiers.

"Socially, the proposal yields positive benefits through the creation of healthy and functionally sound dwellings which are conducive for day-to-day living, with positive interaction within the immediate and surrounding areas.

"Positive contribution to the local community can in some instances stimulate stronger communities."