Police have commended the bravery of a woman who was stalked by an Ipswich man.

Kyle Wiggins, of Clapgate Lane in Ipswich, appeared before Ipswich Crown Court last Friday where he was sentenced to 40 months’ imprisonment after previously pleading not guilty to stalking involving serious alarm and distress.

The 26-year-old was convicted of the offence on March 20, following a five-day trial.

PC Jessica Watson, of Suffolk police, hailed the woman's courage to come forward and secure the conviction.

Ipswich Star: Wiggins was handed a 40-month sentenceWiggins was handed a 40-month sentence (Image: Suffolk police)

She said: "I would like to commend the bravery of the victim who came forward to report their experience and hope this sentence will encourage other victims of stalking to report it.

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“Stalking is a serious and distressing crime which can escalate."

The woman was stalked over a six-month period and she said that Wiggins had “stalked, harassed, gaslighted, intimidated, emotionally blackmailed and love-bombed” her, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

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The court heard that Wiggins had become obsessed with the woman after they had a brief relationship in 2017 which resulted in the birth of a child.

As well as his sentence, Wiggins has also been banned from contacting the victim and her family for 10 years.